Sunday, July 1, 2012

What is a Rain Barrel?

What is a Rain Barrel? A rain barrel, also know as a rain collection systems or rain catchers, are barrels that you leave outside to collect rain water. You can then use it to water your garden or when you have or are planning a garden or farm it is best to be near a permanent water source. Since you will need to water your garden often you don’t want to be worried about the water costs. And if you live in an area that imposes watering restrictions then you may run into some difficulties when trying to keep your garden from going thirsty. So a natural solution is to keep and use rain barrels. For more information click here.

You will find that in using rain catchers you will definitely save money on your water bill; since up to 40% of water used in a household is spent on gardens and lawns. Although you cannot drink rain barrel water you can use it for many other things. Here are 5 uses for rain barrel catcher:

Use #1
The most obvious use is for watering your garden as well as your lawn. Just get yourself an old fashioned watering can, fill it with some water from your rain barrel and you know the rest.

Use #2
Water used from rain water harvesting can be used to wash your car or your bike. This water is actually perfect small outdoor jobs like these.

Use #3
You can use it for cleaning off dirty tools and work equipment. The great thing is, is that you don’t even have to bring the mess inside.

Use #4
You can use it to water your indoor potted plants and flowers. Rain barrel water is safe to use inside of the house.

Use #5
Rain barrels can also be very use full in aiding storm water management. If you have an adequate number of rain barrels they may help aid in the prevention of basement flooding.

So if you think that rain barrels may be a good addition to your garden you may want to ask yourself a few questions first; like are you going to be quickly using the rain water your collect ( usually with in a week)? Does the land around the barrel slope away from your property? Is the land around the rain catcher porous (water absorbent) enough to soak up any overflow without causing any flooding?

Keeping the surrounding area in mind you can easily house a rain barrel. You just need to the space in mind when considering the size and type of rain barrel that you decide to use. To learn more about rain barrel go to

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